After defeating Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria players from World of Warcraft will have to face new enemies in patch 9.1. Indeed this new update introduces the Holy de la Domination, a raid of 10 bosses, in Shadowlands.
The unlock times for the latest Shadowlands raid depends on your region. These times are the same as the weekly reset on your server. The weekly reset time is on each Tuesday at 15:00 UTC for the US, Latin and Oceanic servers. For European servers, the weekly reset is on each Wednesday at 07:00 UTC.

Check out the important unlock dates for the Sanctum of Domination raid below:
7th July 2021 - Normal and Heroic difficulties
14th July 2021 - Mythic difficulty and Raid Finder 1st wing.
For players looking to get into LFR — the base item level that you’ll need is 195. You’ll be able to get pretty close to that right now with a set of fully upgraded Covenant armor. With the launch of patch 9.1 you’ll also be able to get a nice set of gear from Korthia that’ll also a good source of power. With some work, you’ll be able to upgrade that as high as ilevel 233.
The Sanctum of Domination raid is made up of 10 boss (source). Some of them are well-known characters from the World of Warcraft lore. Shadowlands players will thus have the opportunity to face the Vestige de Ner’zhul, Kel’Thuzad and especially Sylvanas Coursevent, the final boss of this patch 9.1 raid.
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