There was concern about the gap between the accelerated urbanization processes that the region was experiencing and the persistence of high fertility rates. Some dared to India Phone Number List interpret it in terms of the «traditionalism» of women, in the hope that the modernity that accompanied the urbanization processes -especially, the increase in educational levels- would soon change their attitudes and behavior and would have the effect almost automatic decline in fertility. Temporary delays in the process of change could then explain the persistence of India Phone Number List this traditionalism. What was taken for granted was that reproductive behavior and attitudes were the heritage of women. The last years of the 1960s were the scene of the emergence of a new feminist wave, first in the central countries and very soon in other parts of the world.
This feminist wave had to face a double challenge: first, to India Phone Number List understand and explain the forms of subordination of women, and second, to propose roadmaps for the struggle to transform this condition. What was the nature of the subordination? How to explain it? The debate was intense, the heterogeneity and the theoretical and tactical conflicts permanent. The relationship between research and action was India Phone Number List undoubtedly a central concern of feminist scholars. In this climate of ideas, in 1969 Heleith Saffioti published her book A mulher na society of classes. myth and reality31.
The product of his doctoral thesis supervised by Florestan Fernandes, the book is framed in the research tradition of that author: the development of capitalism, in general and particularly India Phone Number List in Brazil. Saffioti observes the place that women occupy in this development. The analysis aims to show that "relationships between the sexes and, consequently, the position of women in the family and in society in general, constitute part of a broader system of domination"32. In this, and in other texts of the time, " the woman" is India Phone Number List spoken of in the singular. Fernandes also speaks of "the black", in the singular, although in the specific analyzes the heterogeneities and differentiations within the categories woman and black appear.